Rules of Process & Procedure

2.1 Definitions, Accreditation Obligations, Eligibility, and Process, and General Instructions

  • Articulate the definitions of the eighteen accreditation terms in the Rules of Process and Procedure.
  • Understand the primary purpose of ACCSC's accreditation.
  • Define the scope of ACCSC's accreditation.
  • Understand the institutional eligibility criteria.
  • Articulate a summary of the accreditation process
  • Recognize the obligations of the institution to maintain eligibility for accreditation.
  • Describe the requirements for submission of documents to ACCSC.

2.2 Application for Accreditation and Self Evaluation

  • Identify the principal steps in the accreditation process for schools seeking initial accreditation and schools seeking renewal of accreditation.
  • Describe when an Application for Initial Accreditation will be considered expired.
  • Understand the role of self-evaluation as part of the ongoing success of the school.

2.3 The On-Site Evaluation

  • Articulate the three accreditation processes that include an on-site evaluation
  • List the four categories of on-site evaluations.
  • Describe the roles of the various on-site evaluators.
  • Enumerate the types of records and information that are subject to review during an on-site evaluation.
  • Understand the purpose of the On-Site Evaluation Report.

2.4 Non-Substantive & Substantive Change Notification & Application Requirements

  • Differentiate between a non-substantive and a substantive change.
  • Recognize the difference between Level I approval and those requiring Level II approval of substantive changes.
  • Locate the resource where Substantive Change deadlines are published.
  • Understand when an ACCSC Institutional Teach-out Plan Approval Form is required

2.5 Annual Report and Other Reporting

  • Understand the requirements for Annual Report submission and how ACCSC uses the data to monitor continued compliance with ACCSC standards or requirements.
  • Describe the purpose and requirements of Financial Reporting.
  • Identify when a Progress Report may be required.
  • Understand the material events or circumstances that necessitate notifying ACCSC.

2.6 Complaint Procedures

  • Articulate the purpose of ACCSC's Complaint Procedure.
  • Identify the primary steps in ACCSC's processing of a complaint
  • Describe the actions ACCSC may take on a complaint

2.7 Commission Actions

  • Identify the effective date of Commission decisions.
  • Articulate the documents that form the record the Commission will review to make decisions relative to a school's application for accreditation (initial or renewal).
  • Understand the three considerations the Commission makes in taking a deferral action
  • Understand the length of the term of accreditation for schools applying for initial and renewal of accreditation.
  • Identify the circumstances in which a Commission may require a school to submit a response to one or more stipulations.
  • Describe when a "warning" might be issued.
  • Understand the terms and conditions of Probation.
  • Identify required timelines to remedy non-compliance.

2.8 Appeal of a Commission Decision

  • Identify the adverse accreditation actions subject to appeal.
  • List the acceptable grounds for appeal.
  • Distinguish between the Standing Appeals Panel and the Sitting Appeals Panel.
  • Understand the actions that may be taken by the Sitting Appeals Panel.
  • Describe the appeal procedures.

2.9 Revisions to and Waivers of the Standards of Accreditation

  • Understand the process of promulgating revisions to the Standards of Accreditation
  • Identify the circumstances in which a waiver may be granted

2.10 Notification and Information Sharing

  • Articulate the Commission's requirements regarding confidential and personally identifiable information.
  • Articulate the Commission's requirements regarding confidential and personally identifiable information.
  • Understand the timelines regarding the Commission's notification of actions to schools, government agencies, other accreditors and the public
  • Describe the process for a school to request the release of otherwise confidential information to third parties

2.11 Pilot Projects

  • Define the purpose of a pilot project.
  • Describe the qualifications to apply for a pilot project.
  • Articulate the steps of the pilot project process.